buddy: james, cool guy who is the man and has good friends
by boobs September 15, 2003
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the word buddy in australia is a fucking put down and if you ever call me it again ill point it at your fucking children
We are buddy.or OK buddy ill see you later.
by ALEX DON August 14, 2006
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euphemism for "asshole", primarily in situations where a) you are unacquainted with the other person and b) "asshole" might catch you a beating from said other person, or be inappropriate in front of your kids.
You are trying to park at the mall with your kids, and the only available spot is next to an SUV that has been parked way over the line, forcing you to sqeeze into the spot and then somehow extrude yourself from the vehicle:

You (under breath): "nice parking job, buddy."
by toolegit74 August 2, 2009
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white boy with a penis of 8 inches or longer, depeneding on if the day is good or bad.
buddy is as big a black man.
by nigga8andaquarter December 31, 2009
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a word to explain someone who is an asshole that you do not even like, but that you pretend to be friends with them just so you can find out their personal information and laugh at them behind their backs. it is the kind of person who is a jerk.
hey, look there's my buddy!

oh god, you hate her right?

well duh!
by silentmartyr November 15, 2007
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slang for the drug ecstasy. Used this way because the drug makes you friendly.
by Just Like You February 5, 2008
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A term often used to describe a woman's vaginal region.
a. Man, my buddy hurts after all that sex!
b. I just got a bikini wax for my buddy.
by LoLcatzz October 29, 2007
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