the most amazing word which can be used for absolutely anything
i feel so blah
by ashwini vijayakumar November 10, 2009
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An acronym of Boredom, Lassitude, Apathy, and Halfassidness referring to states of mediocrity and suckitude.
The daily grind of working for The Man has Mary Louise walking through a haze of blah.
by Eclecktic1 October 18, 2010
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what a vampire says instead of blood
Man: What are you going to do to me?
Vampire: I'm going to suck your blah!
by blahx October 15, 2007
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1. Dull; boring event
2. To diss someone or something
1. I had a very blah day today.
2. Your face is blah!
by Edrianna February 23, 2008
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'Blah' is a replacement word for 'bro' or 'brother'. It is often used when the speaker is not bothered to pronounce the listeners name. 'Blah' is often used after the word 'chyeah' to emphasis excitement or reinforce the speaker and listeners understanding.
Speaker 1: "hey dizzle, you enjoy the party last night"
Speaker 2: "yer it was pretty sweet, did you end up taking the chick back to yours?"
Speaker 1: "chyeah blah"
by Frenchy929 October 20, 2009
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a random word that people use to break a silence or to have a blah war.
"Omg-osh yesterday was boring" hour later w/ nothing said "blah" OR "Hay Sam! blah" sam: "Blah" george "BLah" "BLAh" "BLAH" sam: "BlAh" george "bLaH" sam "bLAh" george "blAH" sam: "fine you win the blah war!" george "yay, now thats some uber pwnage right there!"
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