Someone who is visually unpleasant to look at with your eyes.

They could cause feelings of sickness (physical and or mental) or disgust.
It’s not the same as being unattractive or ugly, people who are seen as the “beauty standard” can also be blag.

The difference is how their appearance makes you feel.
“Omg did you see Chris Hemsworth’s new post ? He is SO hot”

“Girl he is so blag, his face makes me want to barf . I feel sick just looking at him”
by November 24, 2021
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Someone or something who annoys or irritates you. When applied to a person, it often means someone who wont shut up.
Guy 1: This walking is such a blag.
Guy 2: Hell yeah.


Guy 1: Elizabeth, your mouth is moving but all i can hear is BLAG BLAG BLAG


Guy 1: Andrew blags my head so much.
Guy 2: Hell yeah.
by Mick Romney October 5, 2010
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To brag about something and it is a lie
tom 'Yeh did i tell you my dad knows 50 cent'
fred 'stop blagging'
by kurt blythman March 6, 2007
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To brag in blog form.
I would like to blag that at my staff meeting today my team of 1st grade teacher got major kudos from the owner of my school.

I know this may come of as a big blag, but I totally scored with this girl last night.
by blogwords March 25, 2009
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Bad looking Asian girl.


Bad looking, Asian, and female at the same time.

A:Are there any cags sitting at that table?
B:No dude those are all blags.

The girl next to that cag is mega-blag.
by Sabakunoneji March 4, 2009
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To steal/rob off with something or somewhere
Bullet Tooth Tony: "Someone blagged bricktops bookies last night"
Random American Wanker: "Tony, for christs sake you invented the language, speak english"
Bullet Tooth Tony: "Blagged, means robbed innit"
from Snatch
by Taylor January 24, 2005
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