A clingy, moody, and sometimes feminine man in both his mannerisms and habits. Strangely, women can't resist their puppy dog eyes and quirky charms.
Her Friend: I KNOW! He's a total beta male!
by Esperanza Burrito April 30, 2009
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someone who does follows what their friends say so that they don't get into a fight. Follows a alpha male
Boy 1: You need to fuck your dog or fuck you my self and kill you after
Boy 2 (beta male): Ok, whatever you say master
by FUCK YOU SOY BOY August 25, 2018
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this man lacks social experience and often stands far away and listen to music on their phone.

another sign is someone who spends most of their time and money listening to vinyls in their room
"Oh hey you wanna come to my house later and listen to Tyler the creator albums as i am a beta male"
by stinky swag alpha April 6, 2021
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A man who doesn’t face his fears when it comes to women. He is the exact opposite of an alpha male
Zion is such a beta male man. He couldn’t even ask Yasmine to go a party with him even if she was nice enough.
by Jayyythecoach April 18, 2020
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A follower. Usually tries to pass himself off as a macho alpha male, but in reality is just covering for insecurities about their masculinity and/or sexuality. EXTREMELY AFRAID TO BE THEMSELVES, and never really learned how to be an individual or think for themselves. Tend to adhere to cliches, and do what everyone else is doing.

Betas roam in packs to cover for insecurities or inadequacies which are often related to small penis size, inability to get it up, bring a woman to orgasm, or else repressed homosexual drives. Mating behavior normally consist in preying on weaker females, and they usually only get laid by drugging and raping their victims.

Usually operates at a 5th grade (or lower) reading level and frequently reverts to grade school bully mentality when challenged by someone with greater intellectual prowess. Should they be able to get into college they usually join frats and major in business or another such facile major. Often an advocate for "men's rights," the patriarchy, or anything backwards. They are especially attracted to misogynist or fascist ideologies.

THE BETA FEEL ESPECIALLY THREATENED BY STRONG WOMEN, try to make themselves feel more superior by degrading women, minorities, males who refuse to conform to their bullshit, or anyone different than them. Tends to constantly try to assert their superiority (in an attempt to trick others into thinking they're really alphas) when threatened, in inappropriate situations, or randomly for no apparent reason.
Men who voted for Trump are beta male scum.
by Fuck the Patriarchy January 20, 2017
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A pussy who admires Ben sharpiro , reads books and advoids females. They are the weak link in the pack and will be virgins for life.
Oisin giltrap is a Beta male
by AlphaMalesOnly December 8, 2018
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hey do you see that? it looks like a group of beta male pokemon.coming at us
by FRED FIGLEHJORN 2.0o9 December 14, 2020
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