A replacement for the word 'thing'. First used in cult video game 'Zero Wing' and video 'All Your Base Are Belong To Us
L337 d00d: Capture every zig!
by Callum September 13, 2005
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a word used in the spice girls song wannabe in the following sentece tell me what you want what you really really want ill tell you what i want what i really really want i wanna really really really really zig zig ha

which means she wants to have sex really really really really really really really really bad!

also able to use this word in the past future and present tense and sometimes in a bad way

1 im gonna zig zig ha with that biatch all night long

2 me and amber ziga zig hawd until the sun came up last night

3 im ziga zig hawing with u right now!
by pwnstarr October 8, 2007
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"hours and hours of fear runnin through my mind as i pick up my zig nine"
"the zigs on the hip with an extra clip"
east flatbush project - tried by twelve
by dub doom March 14, 2008
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Yo, link me some zig zags to roll up this spliff
by porn star August 27, 2003
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to move quickly. Sometimes for great justice.
But more commonly used to motivate a group of co-workers to get up off their fat asses and go for lunch.
dude, it's lunch time. let's move zig.
by Deluxxe December 4, 2003
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cigarette paper used to role marijuana in, to make a joint
I need some more zig zags so that i can roll a J.
by Anonymous August 16, 2003
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When you have had way too much to drink and you can no longer walk in a straight line.
Wow Cori, do you remember anything from last night, you were already zig-zaggin by 9.
by 10001/2B March 6, 2009
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