A sexual maneuvre done while performing anal sex. The man begins by ejacuating inside of his partner's rectum and proceeds to remove his penis from the anus. Immediately following, the partner emits a fart which propels the semen out of the rectum on to an awaiting bowl of icecream. The partner then proceeds to scarf down this unique desert.
by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan October 14, 2006
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It is something that is Mind Blowing, especially the longer you think about it. Or something that spawns new or provocative thinking.
Chirstopher Columbus: "The world is round, not flat"
Random by-standard: "Whoa! White Chocolate Milk!"
by foosballpele October 30, 2011
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The white, thick and tasty topping of a beta man. Although everyone wants to get a taste of that sweet sweet topping. It is only given by the Beta very sparingly to those who deserve it.
"Michael got that White chocolate topping and i want it. Just a little taste is all I need."

"Did you hear someone got to taste Benjamins white chocolate topping? God i wish it was me."
by Mr.Exotic November 2, 2021
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a white chocolate is a person who is half black half white
white chocolate is kara
by air-bear is me February 24, 2008
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"Gangsta name" of the master basket weaver John Lindsey.

White Chocolate (WC!) can usually be found dueling unruly banditos.
My homie White Chocolate made me this here basket!
by Axemaster The Fierce February 11, 2005
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