Seducing a person romantically.
Jacob tried to woo sarah by sending her roses.
by moriejorie October 18, 2010
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That was a fat woo woo we just smoked.
by G Mob March 26, 2008
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Verb: to Woo Woo
To be in a state or awakened awe or wonder.
To connect to higher awareness and power.

Having magical properties.
To be curious about the incredible.
To be mystical.
I'm having a Woo Woo moment listening to this podcast
by ItsOkToBeWooWoo October 4, 2019
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Noun: woo-woo, Woo Woo (see also woowoo )
To be Woo Woo
A person interested in exploring the mysteries that transcend ordinary human experience.

The state or quality of being dedicated to spiritual things or values
To be full of awareness, zest, vibrancy, spark, effervescence, energy and well-being.
I know its a little bit Woo Woo.....but I listen to this awesome podcast called The Woo Woo 'Verse
by ItsOkToBeWooWoo October 4, 2019
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Is she woo woo?
by ajaja892 August 11, 2008
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