She is a really pretty but often seems like she's high. Really high. She is mental but that makes her really fun to be around. She also speaks her mind and tells the truth when it's needed but often doesn't know when to not say something.
Person 1: omg that girl is so much fun to be around, she was mental.
Person 2: sounds like an Erin mate.
by I'm telling the truth May 15, 2020
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The most lovely woman ever to walk the earth. The love of one's life. The only girl who makes you feel special. A girl whose eyes gleam when you stare into them. Erin is also a smart, kind, caring, beautiful girl who tried her best in everything she does. She is one of a kind.
by gtl005 March 2, 2010
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Erin is a female who has the body of a goddess, Guys fall easily for her and are drawn to her good looks and her awsome sense of humour.
guy 1: did you see that girl?
Guy 2: yeah she must be an erin.
by asdfghjkl;.<3 November 15, 2009
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The most Perfect, wonderful girl in all the land. a girl whose grace is almost as good as her witt. a girl with a slamming hot body and the smarts of a master. <3
Wow your so amazing, your such an Erin!
by Airbear99 January 27, 2012
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is the coolest amazing-est person ever! i couldnt live without her
i love erin :)
by sugartits622 September 11, 2008
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Erin:(noun)(verb)(ajective); funny, cool, hot, awsome, nice to be around, an irish beauty. Flirtatious, hysterical, the best person to fart around, she is pretty, hyper, wack, mad funny, drunk, and loves sugar. Erin is the best person over all.
Erin is Cool.
by ilovejohnnydeppforlife September 15, 2008
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A quiet girl that secretly loves attention, but doesn't show it. She is crazy and very humorous and can make anyone smile. Usually is athletic, tan, and has great hair. If you ever find one, never let her go. :
"Oh my gosh you have to meet my new crazy/funny friend!"

"Let me guess. Is this person an Erin?"
by Ayame837 September 29, 2009
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