1) Fictional character of the book series "Twiglight". He is supposed to be a mean killer vampire but in reality, he is a pussy who sparkles when exposed to the sun.

Any man who is a fan of Edward Cullen is either gay or a closet homosexual.

2) To look like a flaming faggot.
1) Edward: "This is the face of a monster" (goes under the sun ray... then begins to sparkle like a fairy)

Bella: "OMG, you're beautiful"

Edward: "No shit Sherlock! I'm glittery faggot!"

2) Dude, what are you wearing? You look like Edward Cullen
by BadassDude June 30, 2009
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Staring/watching in a creepy, pervish way for way too long; acting like a pathetic cheesy romance vampire
Noun ~ Stop being such an Edward Cullen!
Verb ~ Why are you Edward Cullen-ing me?
by athousandyears August 25, 2015
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a fictional vampire that makes pretty much every girl ages 12-21 wet whenever his name comes up.

the main male protagonist of the very overrated twilight series
Annoying girl: OMG Edward Cullen is so hott, stephenie meyer is so awesome lolol!!!!

Random Dude: Oh jesus, thats the 17th girl that ive heard babbling about edward in the last hour
by Dr.Jester December 17, 2008
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the biggest, ugliest, constipated-looking, non-homosapian to ever be alive. he just needs to get stabbed with a wooden cross and burn in a pit of lava
edward cullen is gayyyy!!!!!
by jamie kelsey June 18, 2009
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The love interest in Stephenie Meyer's terribly written Twilight "Saga". Edward Cullen has bronze hair at first, but it changes severl times in the books. He's also sparkly, a vampire who doesn't actually drink human blood, and falls in love with the main character Bella, a Mary-Sue if there ever was one. Also the cause of a strange phenomenon I like to call the "Edward Cullen Complex" that causes young men to become wildly insecure because of a fictional character. They may gripe about girls having too high of standards, write lengthy bitter definitions of Edward on Urban Dictionary, and never get laid because of their insecurity.
These are typically the same young boys who look at Maxim, Blender and other trashy magazines, and compare women with the models in them-yet they somehow think being compared to Edward Cullen is unfair. Cute.

Girl "Edward Cullen is sooo hot!"
Guy "It's not fair you expect me to be Edward!"
Girl "It's not fair you expect me to be Brooke Burke."
Guy "I still hate Edward Cullen."
by Indeedit'strue December 28, 2009
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To go down on a girl on her period
Dude did you here?! The kid next door was totally Edward Cullening his ex girlfriend!! He totally licked that blood!
by JoshyRockx March 17, 2014
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The result of what happens when voldemort kills Cedric and he changes into a fairy that sparkles. Harry should be worried.

He stalks this stupid teenager called Bella Swan, and messes with her head. He more than likely has escaped a mental instution, having commited this crime a few years ago.

He is somehow able to have sex with Bella creating a child. However, he is supposingly dead, meaning he cannot have an erection, so I fail to see how that works.

He goes insane by one smell of her blood, yet is able to manage four days of her bleeding from down below due to her period.

Did I mention he sparkles? Well he does..
Yesturday, a guy crept into my room. He watched me all night but yet failed to get an erection when I changed.. He could be the brother of Edward Cullen!
by failingsuccess December 19, 2010
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