by penguinfucker9000 September 22, 2020
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derogatory term for a cigarette. originates from SE Essex, UK.
"Dude, put that chad out. I was just about to spark up this joint."
by g-kit August 24, 2005
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(n): The collective term for a group of Douchbags/douchbros. Originates from the idea that, in every group of douchy guys, one of them is inevitably named “Chad”.
Let’s get outta here, Emily. There’s a Chad of douchbags heading this way!
by Ravn987 April 9, 2018
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Man: Send me nudes
Woman: No

Man: Why, you're being such a bitch
Woman: Okay Chad
by sfkjsdhfjihsdjkfnhjksdh December 14, 2019
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You know that one guy in high school that that would never shut up? Yeah that's him the generic douche bag, that all the girls like for some reason.
"OMG, did you hear about what chad did?" Said (insert generic girl name here)
"Shut the fuck up Chad" Said (random person)
by synonym for weeweedungdung August 19, 2019
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1. A flemy overused tampon that has a really high voice, and watches 45 hours ofo. porn a day, and jerks it while playing W.O.W. and drinking appletinis.
2. A living cum target
Chad, Richard
by testiesforrrrme January 31, 2009
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