To show appreciation to a higher power on one knee after a long and hard fought game or week of work.
By Friday night, I was just so glad to be done with such a hectic week, I began Tebowing all over the house.
by Stamper Jon II October 30, 2011
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Getting down on one knee to speak to your invisible friend. Commonly used by athletes to thank the creator of the Universe for taking time out of his/her busy day to ensure you make a good play.
God couldn't save those children from starving to death he was too busy helping that guy score a touchdown. At least the playing is tebowing...
by OhYeahThatGuy October 31, 2011
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It's like planking, only dumber.
Person 1: What are you doing?

Person 2: Tebowing.

Person 1: Why?

Person 2: Because I have too much time on my hands and thought planking wasn't dumb enough.
by asjdf October 29, 2011
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(verb) -
The act of looking like a jackass douche bag and embarrassing friends and family by imitating the prayer ritual of a mediocre NFL running back who is credited with miraculous comeback wins even though is it usually the opposing team that completely breaks down and beats themselves in the fourth quarter.
Tebowing can lead to extreme over the top media coverage for basically doing nothing, marriage and divorce to Kim Kardashian, and eventually found naked and dead in a sleazy motel room overdosed on cocaine and Jack Daniels laying next to a male prostitute named Juan.
Dude, look at Bob tebowing near the bar. He keeps this up none of us are gonna get laid!
by Xombie Red December 18, 2011
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Tebowing is the position one assumes in a bath house, park restroom, stadium or other public setting as a prelude to offer oral sex. The 'tebower' kneels with one knee to the ground then supports their jaw in preparation for lengthy oral sex session they are about to facilitate.
He keeps tebowing but so far only Carlos and Jesus have taken him up on it. I think he wants $5 for every tebow he gives. Oh wow... that was one of the best tebows I've ever had, now bend over.
by Anton Berlin December 15, 2011
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When your religion is more of a spectacle than your skill set.
"Jim, I hired you to fill out TPS reports, not to proselytize to the entire industry. You're Tebowing, and driving a lot of potential investors away."
by JustDizzle January 15, 2012
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A sexual position used frequently in gay male pornography where the recipient kneels on one knee while placing the opposite foot forward in order to allow a better camera view of the penetration. The position is sometimes used (although infrequently) in heterosexual pornography.
During the filming of Leo and Lance, director William Higgins often requested tebowing by star Leo Ford in order to capture the money shot.
by denisclaire December 18, 2011
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