v. to yak, while fucking.
I raised my Yakarma Score 30 points while I was facking last night.
by swalmzzzzz April 16, 2014
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A prolonged way of saying "fuck" when you are busted in an awkward/uncomfortable situation.
Timmy: "Chaz shit his pants yesterday."

Shelly: "He's sitting right behind you..."

Timmy: "Fack..."
by Mere Scraps August 3, 2009
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The way old Asian ladies say fuck.
Ling Ling what da fack are yu doing!?!
by queengooz March 3, 2015
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insult, meaning a very homosexual individual who overreacts to everything, taking great offense to small matters.
Quit being such a fackes, he wasn't even talking to you.
by Shinryuu2099 October 6, 2008
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A variation of fuck that you exclaim out loud in a questioning tone when something unfortunate, suprising, and/or stupid happens; a shortened "What the fuck ?!"
by G I N F U July 28, 2008
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Facking(fak-ing)(Verb)-A verb to describe the action of one person fake hacking usual done to impress friends or women usually done by making a simple html page that looks like a hacked page that you would normally see at a real hacked web site then typing in the website you want "hacked" in the address bar then taking a screen shot and then sending the screen shot to friends
"God,Dave is such a tool,he`s always Facking to impress chicks"
by Joshua Carey May 25, 2008
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Used in Bermuda. Replacement for the word "fuck".
by Heather B. May 16, 2008
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