A sexual act where the girl lies down on her back with her top off and the guy stands over her, finishing on her chest. He then turns around and squats down, dropping his balls on to her chest as he rubs them in his own ejaculate towards her stomach, leaving a trail of semen similar to the wake of a steamboat. As he finishes rubbing his balls over her stomach, he pumps his fists and yells "woo wooooo!!"
Guy standing with his friends
*phone rings*
guy *answers phone* "hello"
girl "woo woooo!"
guy *hangs up* i gotta go give this bitch a cleveland steamboat, i'll catch you guys on the flip side
by mike fellatio October 26, 2004
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when you fart between a chicks boobs and they make a motor noise. (similar to motorboating.)
So my girlfriend fell asleep during sex yesterday and I gave her the alabama steamboat.
by Travis Tackett July 13, 2008
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When a girl blows on a guy's penis after taking a drag from a cigarette and then proceeds to stick a finger in the guy's ass and yell choo choo while blowing and sucking on the penis!
Choo choo muthafucka that bitch totally gave me a steamboat willie and then I shit on her face!
by MTC's Pub featuring Johnny August 19, 2006
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The place/time when a person becomes sexually active.
Person: "I'm off to the steamboat museum!"
Other Person: "Excuse me?"
Person: "I'm about to become a man...."
by blackpanties April 13, 2011
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the enraged act of shitting in someones pool, spa, or water feature.....if properly achieved the shit should float across the surface, giving off a plume of steam that packs an harrasing odur
the pensioner collapsed to his knees twitching, while having flashbacks to vietnam, for even the war had not prepared him for what awaited him in his beloved fish pond....he looked into the eye of the beast, it stared back..plumes of steam rising into the air....he would never know who did the deed....all he knew was someone had the first attack of many to come.....the dreaded bolivian steamboat....no fish scoop would ever take down this deamon
by the devious T August 4, 2006
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During anal sex:

shouts right-wing propaganda
despite libertarian values

(Reverse Dutch Steamboat:
shouts left-wing propaganda
despite wingnut values)
In an open letter, the girlfriends of more than 40 priests have called for a relaxation of the church's stance on celibacy to allow a limited range of sexual practices, including the reverse Dutch Steamboat, the Stockholm Slip'n'Slide and the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
by st_augustine May 30, 2010
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A steamboat Susie is the act of shitting in a long party balloon then putting it in the freezer for half of an hour and proceeding to beat someone up with it
I steamboat Susied Jim yesterday
by Impressive name November 10, 2013
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