the act of releasing feces from your anus; taking a poop
I'll be back, I gatta take a splash
by Joey Bam-Bam April 23, 2006
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an aperitif served in Spain and Portugal, which is made of equal parts white port and tonic water. served over ice with a twist of lemon, it's popular with the natives.

Hombre 1: Hey, hombre, want a splash before dinner?
Hombre 2: sounds good...but mi amigo, is that not the same as a portonic?
Hombre 1: no way hombre, the portonic, it have a slice of lemon, the splash, it have a twist of lemon.
Hombre 2: o! comprendo!
by Simone March 1, 2005
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to talk to offend a established gully (reference Gully for definition) citizen or legal alien. To belittle and or completely shit on that persons aspirations, views, or opinions. Saying anything that completely befuddles the mind of the victim to the point of “what motherfucka!?!?”
"My pit was takin' a Squalor on this cats shoelaces, he fronted like a car bumper, so I filled his grittle cakes with lead pieces for talking splash"
by Alfred A Bearcock III May 31, 2004
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The act that happens at a gang bang when the female is intending to become impregnated from having unprotected sex with several male partners. Each guy leaves his splash.
Sally wants a gang bang with at least a dozen men who will splash her.
by kenora October 22, 2006
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1. To bring it to the face and rage. 2. To lay down the abusive elbows.
fX got splashed 3-0

sMn > Scourge 3-1 ... AND SPLASHED.
by sMn September 11, 2004
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The sexual act that postitons the passive partner under a glass table naked and masturbating while their lover/attacker/relative squats above and shits on the table causing a splash of shit that get's their partner off.
"Yo dude, did you splash that bitch last night?"
by DeadlyDave June 5, 2006
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