Nickname for someone when you can't remember their name
by squashi_mitsu December 6, 2003
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Phrase used to describe someone who is/does something really fuckin stupid, is extremely annoying, a raging albino or otherwise just a major pain in the ass!! Synonym: George Costanza.
Guy 1: Stuffs his snowmobile because he forgot to clamp it!
Guy 1's friends to Guy 1: SPARKY!

Friend #1 to Friend #2 after he gets an OUI for not turning on his headlights... "Sparky!"

by DewNut March 27, 2008
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Pet name used for girls(usually when you can't remember their name). Similar to other classic pet names such as love muffin, pookie, or bitch.
Hey sparky, how the hell you been?
by G. Sherman August 10, 2003
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Sparkie, is a DJ, presenter and perveyor of all things deep and spiritual. So called because SPARKIE is also a name of people called Mark..... i.e Mark "Sparkie" Tarling. Some say the most famous DJ you have never heard of, and 3rd on Google if you input Sparkie.
Sparkie Rocked the dancefloor at the China White after party for this years Cartier Polo 2008
by mark tarling September 2, 2008
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a high school students best friend.
"did u do summer reading?"
"well...sparky did."
by redrobot September 10, 2005
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A person who drinks a lot of Mt. Dew Live Wire who may or may not proceed to bounce off the walls and anything or anyone else.
"Hello sparky."
"Gimme Dew HiHi!!"
by Sparky McPeach May 4, 2005
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a crap ass electrician with a $100 dollar call out charge who never finishes the job
"dude what the hell happened in here"
"damn sparky crossed the wires"
by snake_eyes July 21, 2006
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