walking. when you have your "shoes" on you have your "shims" on.
walking with your shoes on is "shimming" it. or "shimmy" over here.
by ladybug***** July 9, 2010
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韩国男团EXO 在他们新出的专辑主打歌KOKOBOP 的第一句歌词
shimmy shimmy kokobop i think I like it
by ImfknG August 14, 2017
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is when you are caught in the act of thumbing your butt hole by your parents/guardian
I walked in on my son shimmying himself!
by doe jine January 14, 2009
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The clenched butt cheek walk/run one finds themselves making to reach the nearest toilet before raining a gush of explosive diarrhea in their pants after eating too many chimichangas (or even one funky one).
Got drunk last night and ate 3 chimichangas. Seemed smart at the time, but woke up this morning with the Chimmy Shimmy. Damn near crapped myself!
by Odiggz August 17, 2014
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A Kimmi that shimmies!!!!!!!!!!
Keep shimmiing shimmi Kimmi!
by shimmikimmi'sgodtwin!!!!!! November 24, 2019
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Synchronized caressing hand motions on the back of another person during a face-to-face romantic encounter. When the hand motions are not synchronized this is referred to as the modified elevator shimmy.
Eric: Any luck tonight?

Mike: Yeah, I guess. I used the elevator shimmy.
by Miguel Commotion November 25, 2009
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1) To beaten half to death
2) To be pistol whipped
3) To be clubbed over the head with not a foreign object but a familiar one like a bat ot 2x4 (two by four)
4) To be tricked, scammed or hustled
1) I made a wrong turn in Washington Heights and was Shimmy Shamed.
2) I was out cold when vinny shimmy shamed me with that .45.
3) Man, my head hurts after being shimmy shamed with a boulder, brick, golf club or "insert very familiar object here".

4) I took my family to times square where this guy and his associates Shimmy Shame me at 3 card monty and I lost all my money and marbles.
by shimmy, sham, shimmy sham September 23, 2009
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