it means everything ,

like when you have an akward silence aswell it stops it cause you say 'shibby' and its not akward any more

it always means awesome and pretty radical and stuff like that

but you can say it whenever you want really
danica maddie and peita are soo shibby ,
the weather is pretty shibby,
this is soo shibby.
by daanica April 20, 2008
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everything's fine, other word for O.K. can mean anything
by Jadeus November 17, 2003
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An exclamation used to show approval of a certain person, place, thing or event.
Just see "Dude, Where's my Car" and you'll understand

"I'm just sayin maybe we should cut back a little on the shibby!"
"Thanks, I needed that."
by Digital Pimp March 3, 2003
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Meaning cool, awesome, or in agreement.
from dude where's my car:Jesse and Chester are shibby at the moment please leave your shibby at the beep, shibby! (beep)
by lazyassloser March 26, 2004
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a slang word for when something is really grand or tyte or cool it is shibby as us sk8rs sae
Dude wheres my car!! this isnt shibby
by unkown January 18, 2003
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Used to be a synonym for cool; but it's now so overused by people that arn't "cool", i.e. dorks, it's uncool.
Dork: "Look how cool I am, my avatar is Shibby!"
by serf December 18, 2007
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To get high
Now people usually use it as saying cool or tight
Lets shibby
That shits shibby
by emily June 1, 2004
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