when you see a skinny girl with huge boobs. they are called scoobs.
a prime example being denise milan. prime example of scoobs
by scottydizzle May 7, 2010
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when you wear tracksuit bottoms, and have your hand on your crotch, presumabley to 'big up' your masculinity
"i love scoobing i do"
by Emrah Bouche December 7, 2006
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A person whom believes they are a part of the group, when in reality they are not.

An outsider whom considers themselves “one of the boys” when they are in fact not.
Person 1: “Hey Jose, Tommy is trying to invite himself over again”

Person 2: “Ugh, he’s being such a scoob
by Dank Donkey August 28, 2023
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Short for Scooby Doo, which shares abrieviation, "SD", with Sugar Daddy
I'm going to go hang out with Scoob for 30 minutes so that hopefully I'll get payed.
by StudLord, the Trash God² November 8, 2016
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