Rowland Stuart Howard (born 160,463,872 BC): Lolstralian rock musician, guitarist and songwriter, best known for being Nick Cave’s bitch. Has been known to open sets by joking of own demise. Likes roller-skating, hair gel and Tila Tequila. Doesn't want to shake your hand, when he can shake your hips. Incredibly sexy.
Person 1: Who's that sexy motherfucker sitting in that corner over there, doing all the drugs?

Person 2: That's Rowland S. Howard!

Person 1: Gawd, he's such a supah buff hawtie. <3
by ~*~Rowland~*~ May 10, 2009
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Rowland High School (John. A. Rowland) is in a little town called Rowland Heights. Rivals being "Nogales High School". Although, it's not much too compete with. Rowland is full of spoiled rich kids who drive nice cars or a Honda Civic. They are low-key pot lovers but still get good grades so no one really complains. Rowland wins plenty of awards and is a great school to attend. Everyone pretty much gets along with everyone, with a cat fight here and there (usually because a slut stole another slut's boyfriend). Class of 2009 and 2012 are known to be the baby making machines! At the end of the day, Rowland High Schoolers get their shit done. They party, smoke and manage to get into the best colleges out there. You drink your boba (asian drink) and go to Jack in the box on early days. Everyone tries to be the same type of cool that it's quite entertaining. Again, no one really complains so it just kinda happens. Summary: Partiers but still smart, asian ruled, nice cars and very chill.
Guy: I wanna go to a school where it's just chill and everyone does their thing. Something like Rowland High School.
by John/Carlos/Jessica/Asian/Mexi November 13, 2011
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Kelly Rowland was flat af before breast implants. Instead of telling people how flat they are, tell them that they are a Kelly Rowland.
Keaton: Bro, I finally got her shirt off, and she looked like such a Kelly Rowland.

Daryl: I told you they were like mosquito bites on her chest.
by 420 praise it November 20, 2016
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Piece of shit high school full of posers and gay niggers from outer space. The teachers suck and should go fuck donkey shit. I'd rather stare at goatse the entire day than go to school here even though I do that anyways. I went to this school and now I'm doing Backdoor Sluts 10 and even Debbie(does Dallas) wont come here. Stay away or else...CRACK BITCH
I would rather have God's almighty penis gyrating in my stretched ass that would put GOatse to shame than go to rowland high school.
by johnathon lee April 21, 2005
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The hottest freaking person to have EVER walked this planet. She is smart, confident, and A FREAKING GODDESS. PERIODT. She is a naturally very talented actress, singer and dancer destined for GREATNESS. If you ever encounter her, or have a crush on her, DONT LET HER GO. TREAT HER RIGHT AND LOVE HER WELL, SHE WILL BE TH EBEST FREAKING THING YOU HAVE EVER LANDED.
by sjjrs November 24, 2021
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can be a cunt, but the king of rolling.

i love jacob, he makes me happy in my pants.
Jack: oh hey jacob rowland from stockton who has a green ford fiesta, you ok?

Jake: why yes i am, i am just rolling.

jack: TWOS!!!!

Jake: hey lets go to the park but not actually go cuz we are cool.
by dudey1312 June 19, 2009
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Beautiful, nice and supportive boy.
He loves a monkey but never more that He loves Giulia:)
He's so funny when dances but He's still the cutest boy in the world.
He makes every girl happy. He's really a wonderful person.
Hunter Rowland is hot.
by hunter's girlfriend🍭 May 28, 2017
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