To win a championship or gain recognition as a liability to the effort rather than an important contributor.
Eli Manning Roth-bergered a win in Super Bowl XLII . The Giants D-fense was so good there was nothing he could do to make them lose.
by Smooth Criminal09 July 19, 2009
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The worst character to ever exist and can’t come up with his own ideas so decides to steal Marinettes design
by Emilié Agreste’s wifey July 26, 2021
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Chuglord Supreme and all around good duder.
Me: Hello, Zach Roth
*Zach leaves*
Everyone else: What a good duder!
by Storm Duck May 29, 2019
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A rapper who sings in monotone and recycles instrumentation from other songs, and reaches the Top 10 on iTunes only because people are buying his music to make fun of how bad it is.
ME: My name is Asher.
PERSON: Oh, like the rapper!? :3
by Orbockle Q. Archenfeather March 22, 2009
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The best rapper in the universe and the history of mankind. He makes you wanna be in college.
-Dude, i wish i was in college and got to meet Asher Roth.
-Hell yeah!
by marco<3 June 18, 2009
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A skater white boy who doesn't know anything about the ghetto seeing that he grew up in the 2nd richest county in friggen Pennsylvania. All he know is that his parents had the money to feed his weed need. He really thinks he's tough bashing lil wayne in his song Death To Amilli.
Alexis; "Hey did you know Asher Roth went to West Chester?"
Chris; "Figures he went to the same school as Jill Biden."
Alexis; "Yeah I don't think he knows exactly what he's rapping about."
by whateverrothyousuck August 24, 2009
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