Verb1 - To take a shit
Verb2 - To consume an intoxicant
1. "I have to go punch."

2. "Let's punch some lager tonight"
"How about you hurry up and punch that bong"
by Richard Shanahan December 4, 2007
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Pittsburgh slang for saying that you'll whoop someones ass in a street fight.
YOOO lil bro from up the way said he could slay you in a fight.
GAT! Ill punch on that nigga in front of his raise then ill "Punch on" his dad too.
by ShadyJuJu305 April 15, 2017
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Knocking people clean out because your hench and they cant punch you back; or just to bully people =
When becky keeps on bullying her sister
1) 'Terrance, you want a punch?'

2) 'Terrance tidy the room now or ill give you a punch
by Dinkk December 15, 2007
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bob throws alota punch around the casino
by sid malana January 29, 2004
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OVERWIT Punch is a tasty party punch that you can't tell it has liquor in it. OVERWIT punch will have you thinking it's just juice but when it kicks in, you realize that it's more than juice in the punch. The key is to mix the liquor perfect with the juices, so that the juice is all you taste.
At first I was like who made this weak OVERWIT punch, 5 cups later I was in the bathroom passed out.

The OVERWIT punch had everybody at the party going crazy last night.

I turned into a straight savage after drinking that OVERWIT punch at the beach party.
by Mr.OVERWIT January 22, 2018
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When someone gives a handjob on someone else's behalf.
Did Alex just give you a handjob?
Yeah, Ron owed me one, Alex asked to cash in the jut punch.
by NickFirato April 4, 2015
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