Abbreviation for "Pay Wall; Can't/Couldn't Read." Used to quickly express that an article cannot be read due to needing a subscription or some other form of paid access.
Mike: "Hey David, check out this article from the New York Times!"
David: "PW;CR"
by PennDudeBro March 13, 2023
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"fuck with", but non-explicit version
i pw you
by supadopewan January 16, 2020
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Penis Whisperer, someone who knows their way around a penis:)
Brandy is a PW, I can't get enough:)!¡
by The V.W. February 25, 2023
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"PW" = Pussy Whipped
He is soo PW.
He is soo PW
by nico napo April 22, 2022
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Pussy Withdrawal Syndrome - when a man spends a considerable amount of time (hours,days+) in the presence of hot women and then suddenly gets chucked back into reality where female contact is limited. Men on their return from a bachelor party are highly susceptible. Trivia: It was first diagnosed by a Groomsmen and Patient Zero was a Groom.

Syndrome Symptoms include but not limited to: sore throat, fatigue and energy bursts, mood swings, headache, inability to drink alcohol, seasickness, bloatness, acid reflux and in very rare cases hernia.
Man 1 the next day after a day party: "bro I don't feel like doing anything - this drinking isn't doing me any favours and I feel a bit bloated"

Man 2: "It's just PWS, you'll feel better at tonight's party"
by PatientXywgr September 16, 2021
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Acronym. Male daily bedtime routine: Piss/Shit, Wank & Sleep.
Right I’m gonna PWS talk to you tomorrow
by Dased January 23, 2020
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