omg, that boy sitting in the corner is SUCH a PL!
by Prebbler October 3, 2006
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Pussy lip, a guy with lips like a pussy.
"Damn PL, When you kiss a guy, i say how'd the pussy taste."
by luda March 17, 2005
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Usually an shortened word for "please".
Used in appeals or in different context.
Thomas: "Hey Uncle Jerry, can i suck your dick pls?"
Jerry: "Sure thing Thomas! *unzips*
by allahisgood May 31, 2019
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Abbreviation of "Pipe Layable", term used to describe a female upon which you would like to "lay some pipe".
That bitch-whore is a PL fo' shizzle dizzle.

Check it out, them is some totally pimpin' PL's, no danger mate.
by Rak-takahh June 8, 2004
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The way idiots spell "please" Plz would be correct grammar. Not pls
Kat: can i pls get $10?
Lizi: *Plz, not pls.
by Hang on October 8, 2015
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Pretty Little Sluts. A play off the show "Pretty Little Liars". Moslty used for making fun of it for it's slutty characters.
Dan: Yeah, my sister wouldn't give me the remote so I had to watch that stupid show pretty little liars
Tom: Oh you mean pretty little sluts, PLS?
Dan: Exactly.
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parking lot. usually used by REALLY COOL SCENE KIDS who hang out there.
"hey guys wanna go hang out in the pl!?"
by EmilyBbbbb August 28, 2006
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