its only for pretty bitches 😘 sooo it’s PG all day mane

-🤘🏼 Town girl 🤫
by thagirlinH713 June 17, 2018
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Parental Guidence meaning ur to damn young to watch the movie
the 7 year old got kicked out of the pg-13 movie
by Beany October 25, 2003
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"Pussy Goatee" or "Prison Goatee" - A goatee trimmed to neatly and completely frame the mouth. Popular in prisons - when two cons are engaged in some hot face sex, it gives the visual effect of a woman's vagina and pubic hair.
Bill's furry black PG made him quite popular in the state prison.
by Veronica D November 30, 2005
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1) pooping gas- to let out a loud tantalizing fart, but not only air escapes .... Mr. Hanky comes a flying out like superman.
"Man I was eating some bacon bean burrito and I pg'd in the panties I borrowed from uncle lou!"
by Sweet Caroline October 26, 2003
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A frog descendent and is always with a guy called sai
by Frog Forever February 25, 2020
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The following movie is rated PG: for Blah!
by DaZombie October 27, 2003
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