(adj): a derogatory, or depending on context, superlative remark, typically directed towards a person.

(v): to Oregon, the action of Oregoning. Doing any action while satisfying the adjective of being Oregon.
Sarah: Did you hear what Jill did last night? She is SOO Oregon.
Joe: oh my god, so fucking Oregon, I feel sick to my stomach.
by auttaceautloqueremeliorasilenc January 19, 2010
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Green state, always rains, many people nice here. The Confederate Flag is flown everywhere but in the Portland area. People drive trucks. Hick State.
Man Oregon is hickish!
by mboch24 April 11, 2006
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Place where gas is cheap and the scenery is.. well.. scenic. But all the bitches are FUGLY!!! Every woman would only need to swap genitalia to BE a man bc they'd already pass for one. Yeesh!
I pulled up to get gas and some fugly oregonian he/she/it wouldnt let me self-serve.. oh well, its cheap.
by Elyas November 12, 2006
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Oregon is a waste of space, full of faux anarchists who vandalized Seattle during the WTO it also happens to be the easiest place to score crack cocaine, especially Portland, OR where you can get it as soon as leaving the train station
"Let's go to Oregon"
"Let's shit out glass instead, yeah?"
by InsertName23 October 19, 2009
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Greenest most beautiful state in the United states. The state that has EVERY landform you name it oregon has it.
Don't come if you are going to ruin my Oregon.
by Anglel0u May 22, 2017
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The State where everyone is a fan of only one college Oregon State, Im alking devoted. Posers too California Posers. They wont admit it but they are soo Jealous. Besides Look at the population diferences, 39,000,000 compared to Only 3,000,000. Sacramento County alone Has 3,000,000.
Oregon Sucks Green And Yellow are the worst colors ever. Portland and Oregon are Racist.
by Cody April 21, 2005
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