1. Completely valid and loved
2. Are not in the binary (male/female)
Gender no gender identity yes
Falls under the trans umbrella too

Literally can’t be straight

Also referred to as an enby or gremlin

They owe no one androgyny
They come in all shapes and sizes and can use multiple pronouns.

4. Me
Quincy: hi, I’m nonbinary and go by they/them.
Blue: thank you for telling me, I’ll use the correct pronouns for now on.
by Quick_Q322 October 2, 2021
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Super hot individuals /j
"Women are pretty, men are handsome, and nonbinary people are hot.
by Patrickistransaf5 August 30, 2022
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A gender identity that isn't man or woman. It is an umbrella term as well as being under the trans umbrella. Not all nonbinary people use they/them pronouns, though many do.
Hey, I'm nonbinary, actually! Please use (insert pronouns here) instead of (insert other pronouns here).
by ranboo-shall-steal-the-knees October 17, 2022
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a term used to define enbies being unapologetically themselves, having fun, loving yourself, just being you, it’s turning up, driving the boat and not giving a damn about what nobody’s saying
by Rain Flare April 28, 2021
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