Approximately 36 seconds, as opposed to the normal 60 seconds in a minute
"So would you do her?"
"In a new york minute."
by Justin Tym December 29, 2005
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time it takes for derek jeter to suck off joe torree while A-Rod jack's off in the corner
steinbrunner..."Hey bernie they done down there?"...
steinbrunner..."Damn...that wat i call a new york minute"
by Janick April 27, 2006
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1:The average amount of time it takes for a New Yorker(male) to cum. New Yorkers tend to talk the talk, but cannot walk the walk. This goes for fighting also, bringing us to a second definition. 2: The time it takes to kick the shit out of a New Yorker.
1: Sarah knew that Tony would be done in a New York minute, after she stuck her thumb up his ass.
2: I got in 3 fights in NY, not one of them lasting longer than a New York minute.
by rfpirate April 23, 2008
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a time from when the light turns green, to when the person behind you honks the shizzle out of you
daaaaaaamn.......that light went by in a new york minute dawg!!!
by g meister December 10, 2003
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An extremely short period of time; a few seconds; the time it takes for "everything to change" or "things to get pretty strange" for a New Yorker.

Song "New York Minute" by DON HENLEY recording as a SOLO ARTIST and not as a MEMBER OF *THE EAGLES* as some have suggested.
In a New York Minute everything can change, in a New York Minute things can get pretty strange.
by Trancengineer August 29, 2018
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