Being on the website and doing assorted tasks
Man, I have been myspacing all day long.
by bluehavok November 3, 2005
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Now a site for hipsters and douche bags.
What's a MySpace?
by Caerful July 28, 2013
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Myspace is an old husk of a social media site, only kept alive by the feeding tubes that are its quickly and steadily dropping amount of fans. It was the facebook of its hay-day, a decade ago, but has since dropped out of the mainstream, and is now its downfall is a meme. Many people still have accounts most of them not active for years, and more still have been shut down. One day it will cave-in, and die silently, no one noticing, or caring.
by Nomancer February 15, 2015
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People who spend all their life on myspace.
I have nothing aganist them. Its their choice. See myspace whores
Person 1: So..wanna go to the movies or something?
Person 2: No thanks, I'm on myspace.
Person 1: Hey do you wanna go?
Person 2: Nahhh I'm chilling on myspace.
Person 1: You freaking myspacers.
by Sammers <33 November 2, 2008
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1. (noun) A legal teen dating site in which many pedophiles tend to use to their advantage.

2. (noun) Common and cheap yet effective pickup line in almost every situation.

2. "Hey dont you have a myspace?"
"Aren't you my friend on myspace"
"hey I popped your myspace cherry, now let's do yours"
by CAM April 18, 2005
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something that truely belongs on myspace. usually your emotions that you've artisticlly written in a blog or in your about me. poetry, live journal. Must have artistic HTML. must includ <3 or discuss why ciggerettes are only cool when YOU smoke them.

2) a two and half page of your unimportant emotions in either poetry or live journal format.
that is sooooo myspacable
by armond October 25, 2006
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