A very beautiful girl with a bright personality. Shy on the outside, and very conservative. Gorgeous, sexy and outstanding !! Loving and kind. With a personality of gold. She's an amazing lover ;)
Guy: did you see moose today ? Guy #2: Yeah she's FIINEE!!! I'd tap that. Girl: Sorry boys... shes my moose!
by ArtistTrappedWithin November 24, 2011
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A greeting

A nickname for a good friend

something to say when you don't know what else to say
a reference to Invader Zim

Sup Moose?

umm... moose!

I love that Moose from the IZ ep, Room With a Moose!
oh yea, MOOSE!
yea but i like Minimoose better from the Christmas ep.
by Doomed Moose February 27, 2006
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the singular form of "Meese"

it is a animal that is seemingly harmless, but actually carries a knife...
Person 1: awwwww look at those meese, i think ill pet that moose.
by those two December 13, 2009
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A large horn, normally referring to a man's penis.
Dude, that's the biggest moose I've ever seen.
by Crystal Hikozu August 4, 2007
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word used to describe something cool or awesome...etc...
'that is soo moose!'
by jenna rae June 8, 2005
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An immortal species spawned by Canada, they were not formed with evolution, they were formed with steroid infused maple syrup, and they want nothing but destruction for all life on earth, god help us all
Jeff: I was attacked by a moose, I had to get about four ribs removed.

Carl: how are you alive
by Doctor Sobek October 10, 2020
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