A term coined from The Good Place season 2 episode 4, a "millennial" is someone who's only been torturing people for a thousand years.
"I worked so hard on my torture ideas, and theirs are so basic. These millennials, they have no work ethic." (The Good Place S2E4 1:00-1:20).
by oliddy 4ever! November 3, 2019
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A person born after 2000 who has the ability to exist in this world although they're retarded.
I was gonna buy some milk today but a millennial said it kills cows.
by Quanlier October 1, 2018
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1. The generation born after Generation X and before Generation Z. Also known as Generation Y. Typically defined as being born from the early 80's to sometime in the mid or late 90's.

2. What people ignorantly use to call anyone younger than them that they can't relate to.
1. Like many Millennials, John watched The Lion King as a child in theatres back in 1994 and was hit hard by the Great Recession of 2008.

2. Cranky old man: "There go those Millennials and their computers and their MTV and their iPhones and their Led Zeppelin and their AC/DC and their Nintendos...."
by udusers1 December 22, 2017
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-Millennial or Millennials

A media popularized term for a generation of people born in western culture who came to adulthood in the early 21st century.

Often confused for being tech savvy or capable in life skills, millennials are more often incapable with life skills that earlier generations are commonly more adept at, such as changing car tires, filling out paperwork, hooking up entertainment centers or reading usage agreements and contracts on websites and smart phone apps before agreeing to them.

Millennials are more often only functional with contemporary front end usage of modern technology while being confused and incapable with more practical applications and the service of hardware.

A small minority of Millennials with inherited wealth gave rise to the "gig" or "shared" economy bubble. Much of the perception of millennials centers around this minority among the generation who attain great wealth from crowd funding, confidence scam investments and inheritances that are soon squandered on unsustainable and impractical business models.

The Millennials are for the most part very deficient in common life skills, sustainability and practical capability.
I just saw a Millennial trying to change a tire and add oil to his car. He gave up after dumping transmission fluid in the oil intake and trying to jack his fender until it crumpled.
by Mr. SnowmanPants June 3, 2016
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Some who only knows Sarah McLachlan as that sad animal lady.
Me: I still think “Fumbling Towards Ecstasy” is one of the greatest albums ever made.
Millennial: You mean, Sarah McLachlan, I thought she just wrote songs about abused animals.
by Jfman December 25, 2018
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Pretty much the most spoiled generation in american history. Thinks that the rest of the world is going to by in on their progressive and socialistic viewpoint. Not really their fault since they haven't known hard political times yet, and have been brainwashed by the liberal left media.
Boomer: We've gotta vote for Rubio this election! He'll save America.

Millennials: I'm offended , why do we "have" to vote for him? Are you forcing me? I'm a democrat...
Boomer: ...your naivety is amusing, and frightening.
by Ceaser98 November 24, 2015
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Millenni is quiet yet very intelligent and opinionated, she will tell you the truth even though you might not like it, but in her heart she wants you to be better. If you win the heart of a Millenni you will have a friend for life. Millenni's are unique , self motivated, funny, but not too social.
Millenni is braver than she appears.
by El Nene GQ June 21, 2017
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