It is a name of an Indian Hindu family boy meaning moon. He loves to play and is very childish at times, is short tempered but a very sweet guy!! He would do anything for you if he sincerely loves you and will never fail to make you happy no matter what and would keep his family and his girlfriend/wife always happy.
Omg look is that Mayank with his girlfriend? I wish I was that lucky.
by my daddy's queeen February 21, 2022
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Ur Mum goes to college on mayanks salary or 69 million billion trillion quadrilion RuPees
by UMGTC March 25, 2022
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A good looking man. Intelligent, good looking, handsome. Loves animals& over all a cool person
He is a cool & charming mayank
by By anonymous_love November 24, 2021
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This person is usually quiet , if provoke him u better be careful. This person has great sense of humor and is very mature and intelligent, he knows when to stay quiet and when to speak.
by November 23, 2021
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The most gorgeous man on this planet who doesnt even need to be a good student because he is so good looking.This homie right here has a big heart and can help you through a lot. He can sometimes get on your nerves but he's never serious so you gotta chill.the prowess with which one humbly acquires the ability to accomplish the most unthinkable things with incredible ease almost making it seem... magical
Ram:Look over there it's Mayank(attractive boy).
by Regur Bhaiya November 21, 2021
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A True warrior fear less and limitless and a very good friend he will always help you difficult conditions
Smart but impatience and a very good looking man
Mayank is a true spartan
by Wonder seeker November 24, 2021
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