Guy 1; look theres a macy

guy 2; no thats just an egg head
by MacylovesCrystal July 30, 2019
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She's the nicest most sweet person you'd ever meet if she loves u ure very Lucy she's the most wonderful person you'd ever meet she's also really fit
Dammm she's fit macy
by Bigflappydaddy December 14, 2018
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A side chick, side hoe who wants to prove to people that she isn't, but... she low-key is
Macy talks to Braden while he is dating Chloe
by BradensAFuckingLoser December 15, 2016
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To be betrayed by a woman.
Similar to the term Stacy which some incels describe as a basic white girl 'that goes for Chads', to get Macyed means to be severely betrayed by a basic white girl who made you believe she was different.

Although an unpopular term, some use the word 'Macy' as an insult towards the traitorous woman in question.
Example 1:
Person 1: I can't believe after everything I gave Alyssa, she pulled a Macy on me and fucked off.
Person 2: Wow... I genuinely thought she was different.

Example 2:
Person : get out of my house, you disgusting little Macy! How did I even bring myself to trust your Macying little ass in the first place!?
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A Macy is a backstabbing brat who couldnt care more about herself and could care less about the human race. They are usually a freaking snowflake and obivously dont belong in this world. I could not hate a Macy more in my life.
"I cant believe Macy betrayed me"

'Yeah thats Macy for you'

Oh my god can you believe what Macy said to me!!!"

"Yeah I hope karma bites her in the ass"
by TheNicoleofTruth May 26, 2019
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