If someone says lmao run from them!!!
L- Launching
M- Missiles
A- At
O- Orphanages
Friend 1: Lmao right now😂
Friend 2: Friend 3 call 911
by Public Anonymous October 16, 2020
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well, lmao! i didnt realize i have been insulting myself all this time
by Gina Pseu April 11, 2019
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a way to say no but you just wanna be kinda sarcastic lol
person 1: you wanna hang out?

person 2: lmao no why would i hang our friend out?
by hey um March 8, 2021
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An abbreviated form of "Laughing My Ass Off" that originated from the possibility of laughing so hard that one slides out of the chair and onto one's ass.
Person 1: So the nun says, "Not without my gimp mask."
Person 2: LMAO OUCH!
Person 1: Are you ok?
Person 2: Yeah, I laughed so hard I literally LMAO and now my butt bone hurts like hell.
by NightRaven April 9, 2008
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LMAO means “laughing my ass off.”
It’s mostly overused by the fake “depressed” kids or kids trying to be cool on roblox.
Person 1: “Hi, how are you?”
Edgy Person: “LMAO, no”
by samsung rf28jbedb January 9, 2020
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Laugh my ass off

Used in Role Playing Games (RPG) and text messaging when someone says something extreemly funny to you.

Simmilar to ROFLOL. Can be used with this as in ROLFMAO.
"Did U C what Jen is Wearing? It is so damn ugly and she thinks she is all that."

by SharaRenea November 27, 2007
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ben- im gay
Anthony- lmao thats so funny u homo
by anth0ny October 11, 2006
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