LostProphets, an extremely good rock band. Welsh && amazing.

Famously known for Rooftops but A Town Called Hypocrisy is better. =
1st Person : "I saw LP last night at the NEC."
2nd Person : "Awesome! I'm so jealous, they're amazing!"
1st Person : "Yeah, even better live.."
by Kirsty Louise Stevenson September 30, 2006
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A state of constant procrastination.

Anyone (typically an employee) who takes excessive liberties within an organization with limited supervision and zero accountability. The LP will take extended lunches and numerous breaks at inopportune/inappropriate times throughout the day.

When tired, the LP leaves early even if there is work to be done, claiming the "work can wait 'till Monday."

When awake, the LP masters the art of the 3:45pm-4:10 break period only to leave at 4:20 when the work day clearly ends at 5. Other times, the LP will not show up to work at all often with no prior warning by choosing to 'work from home.'

To the LP, 'working from home' includes oil changes, hair appointments, concerts, moving out and trips to the zoo.
"Dude, I should have pulled an LP and gone to the Green Day concert today"

"Looks like its going to be an LP week!"
by Raphael Rincone October 27, 2005
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LpCertified is a American artist know for his hits "drillin" and "broken"
Lp Certified is the best artist out
by Hellstorm666 June 14, 2019
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LP is banger af. Used to describe a fiend in many rooms in the house. Wears khaki pants and collects gender-neutral trading cards.
My gf is so LP The Banger!

Dude!! I gust got a 1/1 Gender-Neutral Trading Card! It's hella LP The Banger.
by TheOGDaddy January 19, 2017
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1)someone who has a little package
2)Small and puny
3)Pluto (the symbol for pluto is a comboination of the letters L and P)
Dang look at lp go!

Professer: And this, Students, is an example of the characteristics of lp
by Mike J/Jon k January 15, 2007
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A novel whose prose is, at times, lyrical in that it is styled with rhymes, wordplay, and alliteration.
The Streets: An LP Novel is the world's first LP novel. The tone is set with the opening paragraph: Back in the day, Franco told T they were gonna take this trip. Hop the Turnpike straight outta Jersey. Fill up on Philly cheesesteaks. Run the Rocky stairs. Blaze through the dirty dirty. Push a hunid thirty thirty. Refuel at a bodega in Talladega. See the city serenade that is a Nawlins jazz parade. Next to West Texas...
by TJ Ventura May 9, 2018
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Before the widespread adoption of optical disks, early micro-computers loaded software from LP-ROM drives
~$ date
Thu Sep 4 19:09:08 BST 1979
~$ mount /dev/lprom ~/lp-rom
~$ ls lp-rom
by ceti331 September 4, 2008
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