1.Someone who sniffs koolaid mix or pours the whole packet into their hand and licks it to the point where their nose starts bleeding or their tongues starts burning

2.a person who sniffs koolaid mix as an alternative to crack
"oh my gosh dude,mike brought 3 days worth of koolaid for us to sniff!"

"dude you guys are such KoolAid heads"
by hngryhippo December 22, 2008
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when you stick a popcicle in your ass and wait till it melts and then you suck it out with a straw

dedicated to matt badcliff
He made dirty koolaid today.
by matt badcliff August 15, 2006
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People who believe anything they are told. people who refuse to change there minds when confronted with facts.
a koolaid drinker is the liberal democrat who is liberal because they are told they should be. they have made no attempt to decide why the are liberal.
often a koolaid "drinker" simply wants to hate anything a republican does good or bad.
koolaid people are the vocal howard dean wing of the democrat party. the converse of rightwing loonies.
koolaid drinkers are the ones that went first when jim jones said drink.
that earth mama hippy chick is such a sixties burn out wanabe. dude she is just a "koolaid drinker" cut her a break. she listens to air american and npr.
by aasland March 21, 2006
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The red mustache one receives after eating a girl out on her period.
Guy 1: "Yo beezy. I was eatin' ma chick out yesterday and guess what I got!"


Guy 1: Nope! A Koolaid smile!
by Ethizzabeth March 6, 2008
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When you bust a nut so many times that your testicules look like a empty koolaid pouch
John was in an orgy recently and I heard he got an empty koolaid pouch
by Jaun Marston January 10, 2019
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slang used in LMS to mock a quotation from a child in social studies class; also used to confuse people or make a mocking answer after a question has been asked
Yo, you serve any arsenic koolaid in this place.
by farmer281 November 19, 2009
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Canadian slang. Directly related to how cool you are with a certain person. Losing and recieving koolaid points is based on whatever the hell that person feels like.
"Yo, dis weed be da shit. You just earned all yo koolaid points back."
"Omigod, you loser, that sweater is lyke so last season!!!1oneone You just lost all your koolaid points!"
"That Doors shirt is so fuckin' illin. Twnety-five koolaid points."
by loseresque July 22, 2005
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