Your typical sorostitute. They tend to think they're a more upper crust bunch than the average ho, but in reality just tend to get more bling for their effort, though they tend to put out the least amount of effort.
Kappa Kappa Gamma's are like investing in a lemon, it might look good, but it rarely functions normally.
by Frylock30 May 9, 2006
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a member of the Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, hottest asian girls in the world.
damn no wonder she's a kappa, she's freaking HOT
by kplrampage March 25, 2006
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A sorority that strictly bases membership on gold digging and stoic permiscuity. Kappas affectate pride and honor, when in truth are a group of money grubbing whores.
Did you hear about Frank? He married a Kappa Kappa Gamma.

Oh, poor guy. She will steal all his money and sleep with his best friend. Even Bill Gates can't support a Kappa!
by F U Kappas May 30, 2006
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its a person who has no life and loves to get high and make out with boys.
hey kappa you cant chill with us your gay.
by eletron vaughn smackingsworth September 15, 2009
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To be considered as an additional definition of "Kappa Kappa Psi" and •not• intended as a derogatory dig at the honor society of the same name.

The sound —first heard circa 1981— made by someone using a PC keyboard when they forget (for the umpteenth time) that the shift key, with Caps Lock engaged, doesn't behave like a typewriter's caps-lock/shift combination.

Of note, this was Bill Gate's first "productivity improvement" (of many, so-called) lofted on an unsuspecting public.
The kAPPA kAPPA pSI is most likely to be encountered when opting to let fingers fly over the keyboard while typing a familiar phrase, before realizng caps lock is engaged:

(starts typing) "tHE qUICK bROWN fOX…"
"Damn you Caps Lock!"
by The medium Boss April 17, 2014
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Kappa Kappa Gammas are basically, like, the classiest girls alive, right?
WRONG. Kappa Kappa Gamma women epitomize promiscuity, gold-digging, nastiness, and are completely devoid of class. They use their self-described "attractive looks" to get whatever they want from those who cannot escape their clutches. Maybe they're fun to mess around with (it's basically a sure thing), but they do not have the brains, class, reputation, or loyalty to be trusted as anything other than a booty call.
Did you see those Kappa Kappa Gammas last night?

Watch out bro-those girls are NASTY
by exex April 18, 2007
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Jim Rodriguez Hill's dream clothes.
A type of clothing that Jim has dreamed of owning.
"I wished i had kappa"
"buy me a kappa suit, tom, and i will make u very happy"
by Jim Huynh February 10, 2005
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