A dirty jemima is a girl that goes to a single sex school in England and secretly fantasises about making out with all of her classmates down in the woods.
Girl 1: “Hey, do you know what the new girl is like?”
Girl 2: “I heard she’s a real dirty jemima.
by Modernzombie April 16, 2020
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A man puts Maple Syrup on his wang and the woman licks it off.
How bout an Aunt Jemima honey?
by PancakeMaster April 28, 2013
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An ounce of Whiskey (jim beam) and an ounce of Aunt Jemima pancake syrup. Nicely fills a tall 2oz shot glass. Stir well. Do shot. Do not chase.
Bill Diesel and Foley just did Aunt Jemimas!
by Bill Diesel, Foley, Nick April 9, 2005
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A cover name for the talk show tv host named Oprah.
Hey, you watch 'em Aunt Jemima showz?
Nah, too daft...
by destouches January 10, 2005
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A term used for reserveing front seat status in a vehicle. Counter to rosa parks which outranks shot gun and various other forms of front seat reservation.
John called shot gun but I threw out a Aunt Jemima to counter it.
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A thick, black, powerful women filled with a sugary, brown syrup
Aunt jemima is the thickest chick within the Ghetto
by Ortho101 June 6, 2017
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this is the less extreme version of the Aunt Jemima gesture commonly made by some negro women and gay men meaning "don't go there girlfriend uhuh".
The gesture is made by placing one hand on the hip and using the other hand to waggle a forefinger in someones face, whilst concurrently swivelling your neck in the ancient egyptian style.
Damn woman don't you gop giving me no HALF JEMIMA, you aint my mama.
by dave namegah March 23, 2011
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