A person from Star Wars who has a total resemblance to a phychic except he/she can fight chaoticly.
1. they can levitate things
2. they can control minds
3. they can forsee the future
4. they can sense a presence

only one they can't do (yet) is read minds...
by theEnder December 4, 2003
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1. One who is unskilled in PvP on the MMO star wars galaxies, and needs a glowstick to feel uber and powerful. They still are often owned even with 1.5x the skills of a normal player.
All the rebels have jedi's but they still suck.
by Pot8o July 10, 2005
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1. Someone who resides in Birkenhead

2. a member of the mystical knightly order in the Star Wars films, trained to guard peace and justice in the Universe.
Gotta go over the Darkside today to do a graft, gonna be surrounded by fucking Jedi's all day
by Darth Wool April 24, 2021
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The 4th lagest religion in the United Kingdom.
not acctuly classed as a religion as the only followers are all nerds and geeks!
"jedi is not a religion
but lego is"
by billy bob frog May 30, 2007
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someone that could do great things but wines to much.
"awww... could not get your ship out" yoda said to luke when luke whined

"it's not fair" anikian wineing
I hate freakin jedi they are so winey.
by tyno June 23, 2005
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Jedi Flipping or the "Jedi Flip" is when someone combines Exstacy, Psilocybin, and LSD.
Young Padawons must all pass the most difficult of all tests to become a jedi, a ritual known as Jedi Flipping
by Jedi flip July 9, 2014
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