To get severely owned by a jewish lady who has hit menopause and has occasional bipolar moments like Mrs. Telles.
Stephanie: "Wow I got janned today again! All because of Monissa!"

by jannedman09 March 10, 2009
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to act silly or to act a fool. someone who is hyper and crazy
Wow, that girl was so jan last night!
Look at that guy... what a jan
by October 30, 2010
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a person who is definetly a hard rock fan. he will say to everyone he likes punk but deep down he knows he cant resist hard rock. jans tend to say bad things about medical schools so dont talk to them if u are in one!
look at that guy playing hard rock he mist be a jan!
ye ye ur right
by urbandictionary254 December 8, 2020
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adj. describing a totally relaxing environment; a more extreme version of "chill"
"Were you at Jonathan's kickback yesterday?"
"Yea, it was jans"
by phung December 24, 2008
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A womans Vagina, Part of the reproductive system.
"That bitches Va Jan Jan is showing"
"Bloody fuckin Va Jan Jan!"
by Beckaboo77xo October 24, 2006
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Jans usthe best boy of the earth.he verry good at fucking and he gif you to much hugs .at school he's a horror kid but he don't like school .what he likes is smoking in de garden from his friends
YES jans is nice
by Ssnnkkeerrrtttuuppyyoouuxx October 20, 2019
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being super unfortunate. referring to the brady bunch
you're not hot marsha, you're not cute cindy, you're poor and unfortunate jan.

"today when i was walking in the hallway someone bumped into me then stepped on me. i'm so jan"
by unfortunate333333 December 8, 2011
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