A music group that didn't accomplish much more then inspire an amazing band called Creed that ended up rocking Saskatoon radio for a good 5 years with the same song.
Mike: Is this Pearl Jam?
Albert: This band fucking sucks and sounds nothing like Pearl Jam.
by M DOGG July 12, 2005
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90's grunge band that's as good as sex.
Bf: That was some good sex!
Gf: Was like listening to Pearl Jam! Mmmmm....
by IisNotHere August 9, 2009
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One of the alltime worst bands I have ever heard in my life.

The worst thing about them is the singing.

It sounds more like baaaa-ing and moo-ing.
Pearl Jam are fuckin Hootie and The Blowfish rip-offs who spawned about a million copycat bands where the singers baaa and mooo too.
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The Greatest Rock Band ever. A band who stays true to themselves and does not care about trends or album sales. Many bandwagon fans will tell you that their only good album was Ten and that everything else sucks. But true fans will love No Code and not care if it did not have any hits.
Stupid Bandwagon Fan: "Man I wish Pearl Jam would make another Ten again."

True Fan: "Fuck you, Ten was great, but they have made so much more better albums than that album."
by rockmusicman April 5, 2011
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Ejaculating in a girl that's on her period... The resulting liquid which comes out..
Dude, she said she was on her period but I was like "I'll fuck it"... Then I nutted all up in there and left her with a nice "Pearl Jam" to deal with...
by Sofa King What March 4, 2009
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A pretend rock band for gays to have homoerotic fantasies about.
I have more respect for Avril
by PJ sucks dog dicks March 20, 2004
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One of the big 4 of Grunge which includes Nirvana,Alice In Chains,and Soundgarden. Pearl Jam got famous for creating masterpiece albums such as Ten,Vs,Vitalogy,Yield,Binaural,Riot Act,and their newest album Backspacer. The only shit album they did was No Code. That one sucked donkey balls.
Pearl Jam can be considered a part of making Grunge popular.
by That one guy at the bar July 5, 2013
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