Irene es una mujer feliz. No destaca por su belleza ni por su buen cuerpo pero tiene una sonrisa que le alegra el día a cualquiera. Es una gran consejera. Dormir es su pasatiempo preferido y a veces puede ser muy cascarrabias si no duerme lo suficiente.
Irene es muy buena amiga
by hdkedixn May 31, 2020
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"Omg have you heard about the girl named Irene?!"
"Yea Irene is one of the coolest people I've met"
by Hi19384892 April 5, 2021
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A great science teacher who rocks the pantsuits like no other
Be more like Irene Ms. Smith!!
by dank_memes_696969 March 24, 2017
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An Irene is usually a potato in a human body.
I am not working today because I feel like an Irene.
by h3y1t5m3 October 20, 2019
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Some feminist kid who'll smack you over anything but once someone else does it she's fine with it.
Me: Hey, is that Irene over there?

John: Yeah isn't she a feminist or something?

Me: I think so..
by pinacoladasforyou2 November 22, 2019
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meaning oneself. comes from that semi-film me, myself and irene.

can also mean having alone time..more specifically self gratifying alone time. masturbation.
Mate1: heyman what are you doing tonight?

Mate2: just hanging with irene

(mate2 believes mate1 has something going on)
by coppersulphate May 15, 2011
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How the Chinese and other residents of the Orient refer to a woman named Ilene.
Ilene: Hello, my name is Ilene.
China-man: Herro Irene, you want mirrion dorrah?
Ilene: ??
by Exile_Complex November 30, 2009
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