An expression used when you are beyond pissed off and feel like punching a hole through everything you see and wanting to fucking explode.
Leroy: I just saw your girlfriend wearing some other guys sweatshirt.

Jenkins: holy fuck and a half, I'm going to fucking explode she annoys the living tits out of me
by Harrypotter292949 October 17, 2011
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Whoo-boy, yes sir, quite the riveting tale of rebellion and adventure indeed. I was on the edge of my goddamn seat I tell you what. That was some amazingly hot shit indeed, holy fuck knuckle son, I think I felt my dick move. You are clearly the greatest, baddest mother fucker to walk God's green Earth in the history of man. Four times you drove by with that horn? I am in goddamn awe. AWE I TELL YOU. Inspiring shit indeed, yes sir, there can be no question, you have really made a difference.
by beNZylpiperazine August 7, 2007
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An expression of exclamation about something, anything that could be good or bad, commonly abbreviated H.F.S.
Sam: Dude, my granma passed away last week...
John: Holy fucking shit man, im so sorry.

Liam: I just got 10 grams of weed!
Andrew: Thats insane dude, holy fucking shit!
by DactaTomas June 11, 2014
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basically means wow that is fucking incredible how/why did he/she do that?
holy fucking shit he put his tounge in his asshole.
by napoleondynamite June 7, 2005
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A piece of shit that is fucking something so it becomes holy (doesn’t make any sense? Yeah I know)
James: holy fucking shit look at her ass
Jack:Damn boy that’s a thick fucking ass
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Commonly used by sailor mouths that have been surprised,scared, etc...
Holy Fucking shit that was hard

rollerblader#1: imma do that gap
rollerblader#2: Holy fucking shit you fell on your face
rollerblader#1: It hurts!!!
rollerblader#2: Holy Fucking Shit!!!
rollerblader#1: Call an ambulence
rollerbalder#2: Holy Fucking Shit!!!!

Holy Fucking Shit I busted a huge nut.
by Chimmychong March 25, 2007
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