Meaning 'the best'- The handkerchief that is better than all the rest - usually with a strong attractive pattern / design that makes it the 'Hankiest if Hankerchiefs'
Bob - "Is that blue and burgandy striped handkerchief yours?"
Derek - "Yeah, it's my favourite"
Bob - "Well it sure is a nice looking one"
Derek "It's the Hankiest of Handkerchiefs"
by Hank chief March 15, 2009
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When someone blows their nose by plugging one nostril and allowing the snot from the other nostril to fly out.
Billy Bob didn't have a napkin so he had to blow his nose using an Alabama Handkerchief.
by LnD123 August 29, 2018
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A sex act named after a life hack cowboys used in the Old West. Cowboys would moisten their handkerchiefs with water, and then tie them around their necks. The moisture would evaporate in the arid clmate, leaving the cowboys cool as a cucumber. The sex act involves one partner urinating on the other, and then cleaning up the mess with a Kleenex. The giving partner then cleans up the mess, plugging the recieving partner's anus with the Kleenex. The Kleenex is left there for "x" amount of days, until the giving partner believes he or she is ready. The giver then removes the Kleenex, leaving the recieving partner's anus a fermented, ammonia-like smell and flavor.
My girl and I were all excited to try the wet cowboy handkerchief, only she kept farted out every piss tissue I shoved up her ass.
by salty cracker June 21, 2017
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Commonly called just classy gentleman. For when a guy wants to jack off covertly and needs a mop up rag but has nothing to use, So then the guy uses his boxers to clean up and then goes commando with the dirty boxers hanging out of a pants pocket. Usually done if a girl gives the guy major blue balls and he doesn't want to make a mess of her bathroom getting off. Thus the name from being classy enough to not make a cummy mess at a girls house.
Carl- Damn dude, Rebecca was being a prude bitch last night and wouldn't give me even a handjob. So I was stuck with blue balls and a major chubbs, so I went into her little sisters room to wham the ham, but I forgot mop up material so I had to beat it into my boxers. Then I just did the classy gentleman's handkerchief until I was able to get out of there.

Derek- What a bitch. That's a classy thing to do dude,
by The Bro13 August 11, 2009
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Arms, in one utilitarian aspect; usually one's own.
Given my inordinately runny nose and lack of tissue, I opted to hang snot on my Irish handkerchiefs.
by Jello Gaga January 7, 2008
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A cloth used primarily for butt sneezes. Invented by Germans.
Oh god! I ate diarrhea last night and have been shitting straight fire all day long. Do you have a German Butt Handkerchief?
by TAINT BOT May 1, 2010
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A term used to describe the ideal look for a tight ass.
j "Boy does Shakira have a cute ass!"
t "Yeah man its two boiled eggs in a handkerchief alright!"
by invalidrecord June 28, 2009
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