Founder of the NFL and the Chicago Bears (Originally Decatur Staleys then Chicago Staleys). Also played 12 games as member of the 1919 New York Yankees.
George Halas led the Bears to six NFL Championships and is nicknamed Papa Bear.
by ImWatchingYouPoop! January 20, 2011
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She’s My best friend and she is the most understanding & supportive person in my life, I couldn’t tell you how much this girl means to me, and how thankful I am to have her in my life , I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing best friend , I love my bestfriend so much💕💕 i’ll do anything for her and dont ever wanna see her hurt, She is everything I could ask for, she’s the world to me even tho she is crazy and doesn’t listen to me she’s always there for me no matter what and I can’t live without her ,seeing you happy makes me happy so please keep smiling i love you 💕💕💕💕( roro )
i love you hala/shaikha
by rroro January 7, 2020
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When your provisions and money get finish and you have nothing to eat
Kayzie we are in hala week so give me sugar for tea.
by Kayzie September 26, 2019
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The words “Hala Madrid” mean “Go Madrid”.

It is used by Real Madrid fans to cheer on their team.
Hala Madrid Benzema!
by the rizz god May 17, 2023
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A fraternal order that you can never leave no matter how much you want to you are forever apart of the best lifeguard group the world has ever seen also appon joining your drinking powers will dramatically increase
Police: blow into the tube


You: Hala squad
Police: that explains it have a nice day
by Micheal_from_work January 12, 2017
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A fraternal order that you can never leave no matter how much you want to you are forever apart of the best lifeguard group the world has ever seen also appon joining your drinking powers will dramatically increase
Police: blow into the tube


You: Hala squad
Police: that explains it have a nice day
by Micheal_from_work January 12, 2017
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1. The act of changing ones facebook name to ridiculous entries rhyming with "Hala". 2. Changing ones first name to Hala while last name remains unchanged. 3. Simply trying to confuse a certain Hala.
hala-ing: hala wala; hala balla;hala wallah ya haraam hala fora dolla; hala yo mama
by which hala? April 3, 2009
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