Jake paul has a shitty diss track and wrote this whole song in 1 hour. If you sing it, you magically become a bisexual quack daddy that everybody hates, For Example, Timmy Thick.
Jake Paul be selling merch like a god church everyday.
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God in god church means God and church means a actual church so it means a church of God

This was a dumb dare God church is a stupid word Jake Paul made up
Jake Paul is dumb he put the word God church in his music video JAKE IS A DUMB ASS
by Celeste-be December 25, 2017
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1) When Jake Paul needs something to ryme with "merch" and invents a stupid word to put in his stupid song
2) "it's a church with a god in it" Pewdiepie 2k17
I just drop some knew merch and it's selling like a god church
by Parvencita July 7, 2017
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A word that was first publicly revealed by Jake Paul in his MV " It's Everyday Bro". This guy needs to revew his grammar and his english vocabulary, because it doesn't mean shit. I guess he is just "begging for attention".
And I just dropped some new merch, and it's selling like a GOD CHURCH.
by kassoucv July 7, 2017
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