someone (usually female) who look good from 50 or 100 feet.

how good she/he looks from a distance
Hey man see that chick over there.


Shes a 50 footer, any closer she dont look so good
by Tboy13579 November 25, 2009
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To headshot someone in the video game series "Halo tm."
"Holy shit I just fucking header footered that assclasp"
See assclasp.
by Apeshit monkey June 14, 2008
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Someone who looks really attractive from 50 feet away. Closer examination reveals ...
No way, that dood from the club was a total fifty-footer!
by moi October 16, 2003
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a nasty ass bitch, who is five feet tall, and enjoys giving sloppy blowjobs in bathrooms, as well as other various sexual activities with anything that moves, including pickle tickling nerds in public places.
"don't tell me you fucked five footer again last night."
"hey, i was mo high/drunk... and I made her call me Santa"
by Ben Galbraith January 9, 2006
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A person you can tell is gay from far away.

ie. 'I can tell he's gay from 100 feet away'
by askuhdfkuzhdf January 24, 2023
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Slang For standard denim jeans worn by motorcyclist because on average standard jeans only last for five feet sliding across the road before its your skins turn to slow you down.
That guy just did a low side on his motorcycle and the five footers are toast.
by Astyle October 8, 2009
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A woman who is misleadingly attractive. Often times, from forty feet away a girl will look attractive, but from up close, shes looks like the nasty.
"Whoa. That girl forty feet away looks amazing. Wait a second, she is a beast. Shes just a forty footer."
by J-dog April 26, 2005
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