a male homosexual who likes to pitch and recieve anal.
Fattis is a rump ranger, butt pirate, fudgepacker, uphill gardner, butt ninja, and pillow biter
by reggie bush May 22, 2007
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To act, or actually be, stupid or dumb or ugly
Holy fuck, hannah is being such a fattie!
by gunnmeister October 31, 2021
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1: One who eats far too much in one sitting and is aware of their habit, but continues to chow.

2: A talentless bass guitar player from the foothills of the Allegheny mountain region who uses lessons as an excuse to meet girls. Early member of the growing trend of "hardcore" garage bands who can't play music but still garner radio play and media attention.
1: I know I asked for a super-size but I'm starting to feel like a fattie. Pass the salt.

2: Nick was only one lesson above the girl he was tutoring, but he could slap bass like the Fattie he is and that's good enough for her and his bandmates.
by Prof. Wreck May 9, 2007
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Noun 1. A thick, hand-rolled blunt, often filled with marijuana adj. 1. An overweight female. 2. A woman with a voluptuous rear end. 3. (vulgar) an erect penis
Good friend, please pass that fatty. I would like to get fucked up tonight

I can't believe that I gave cunnilingis to that fatty last night

Boy Jeff, your girlfriend sure has a fatty behind her. She's swell.

Which one of you is going to suck on my fatty first? Don't be shy.
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Often used to describe a girl's big butt. Sometimes used in a pickup-line.
Damn!! that bitch got a fatty! Damn girl you got a fatty,let me holla at you right quick.
by Nick@Nite May 14, 2006
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1. Used to define, 2 or more fat people (usually women) waddling together.
Plural of fattie

2. The name given, when describing the horrific train ride you had today, when the person on either side of you, and possible in front of you, invade your personal space, and sat on your lap. They claim it is not intentional, but if you’re that fat, you should walk to work, and not allow your fattie legs to rest on me.
Jim : Are we having an earthquake ?
Brad : No, there are just 5 fatties coming towards us.

Peter : Hey man, what happened to you, you look kinda flat ?
Sam : I had these two fatties sitting next to me today, and they were so fat, they could not fit in their seat. So they hat to sit on me, with their fat legs.
Peter : Will you be ok ?
Sam : Yeah, I had to go through a decontamination.
by DrSnow April 20, 2005
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