Her name sounds sweet doesn’t it? Well don’t judge a book by its cover, she’s that athletic dominate girl who will take charge by spiking a volly ball at your face.
Girl: Omg here comes Emmy! Run
Guy: Why? Emmy is so sweet

by UwUdick March 6, 2019
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an award given to some really awesome people
like the Oscars
oG oh lordy i just won me an Emmy !!!
g das tight das tight !
oG yo know wat thats means!
g that u got mad skills yo !
oG damn straight !
by 0me October 14, 2006
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Emmy is a fucking rebel! she had good taste in boys and knows what shes doing when it comes to dating advice. Shes usually got blonde wavy hair with blue eyes and a jaw dropping smile. if you ever get the chance to see an emmy you should charish that moment. she has a nice ass but tiny tits. dont mess with her though cause you will end up with your ass kicked and calling your mommy(who doesnt love you).
High school boy-"damn emmys got a fine ass"
Middle school boy-"yea! that's my bitch right there and you better not mess with her"
by John Halkins May 10, 2019
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Another different way of saying let me (lemme). Typically used when asking someone to let you rip the vape deviceetc... Can also be used as a noun (as shown below).
“Emmy Emmy rip.“
“Let’s go Emmy in the vape device room later.”
by lil-ez47 October 28, 2018
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Someone who finds the balance in the middle of the callous.
Person A: "Dude, my life is so messed up!"
Person B: "Mate! Just message Emmie, She finds the balance in the middle of the callous".
by Danisnotonurbandictionary October 15, 2018
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The most beautifulest girl ever to exist. A hoe for life with nice sugar titties. She is a zebra rapist by heart n fucking loves a good ol' wankey pankie with Simba. Not only is Emmy good in bed but she is also the bestiest of besties and WE ALL LOVE HER! She is a fiery sex goddess with an organ of gold and vagina of husky noses. The Emmy breed are lesbians with potato wifeys, located in north west of Narnia. Anyone to meet an Emmy are lucky ass bitches and shall live forever happy on fish flavoured crack.
Extremely an Emmy

Sloth Hoe, "I love you my wifey"
Taze, "nuuuuu she's mine"
Emmy, "emmy emmy emmy :33"
by Potatohuskerian January 28, 2017
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A bullshit, trash ass award show that won’t give Jimmy Fallon or The Tonight Show not ONE nomination or anything.
Late night hosts such as Jimmy Kimmel and James Corden and their shows get nominated for Emmy’s...
by raflocruz99 September 15, 2019
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