The company that, as of late, has done nothing but cash in on nostalgia with their crap tons of poorly and cheaply made live action remakes, as well as making everyone wish that Frozen was never made. What was once a delightful animation studio and the genius behind my personal childhood favourites such as The Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, and Beauty and the Beast has become nothing more than a money-hungry factory of regurgitated stories and sequels that overshadow new, creative, and refreshing projects, sometimes to the point of them stealing just enough funding to have the fresh ideas canned. This, no doubt, is a poor business practice, but it is highly unlikely that the House of the Mouse will crash down to rubble, despite constantly producing lackluster films that see more and more hate every single day.
Disney continuously makes money off of their flaming nine-car pileups that they pass as films, and won't be letting this trend dissolve any time soon. I guess we'll just have to deal with Will Smith Genie, Demon Spawn Dumbo, and a whole new tsunami of toddlers in Elsa costumes until someone slaps Robert Iger (CEO) back down to reality.
by _Andromeda March 4, 2019
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The One Company Who Doesn't Care About What The F*ck People Think And Just Buy Out Every Single Thing That They Can Get There F*cking Hands On!!!
Guy: Why Does Disney Buy Any F*cking Thing They Get Their Hands On?!?!
Girl: Uwu
by General Lee Korect December 11, 2019
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"your wearing that pink suit to school thats super disney"
by vexille clikc May 29, 2008
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adj. A person, place, thing, or situation that is stupid, comical, and/ or childish in some way.
School is closed today due to "inclimate weather", even though it is 50 degrees and sunny.
response to the situation: "thats so disney!"
by ekho rose January 29, 2008
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Blame disney for every SHIT band/musician/pop star/stupid faggot ass suck dick motherfucker today
Disney is satan
by ihatejonasalot September 3, 2010
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when Tom Brady and the New England Patriots won the Super bowl, they asked him what he was going to do next and he stated "im goin to DisneyLand"
by Alex-12345 March 24, 2006
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(Verb) Past tense of Disneying When a character in a film has one or both of their parents die relatively early in the story.
Person 1: Dude did you see the new Pete's Dragon?
Person 2: Yeah, the kid got Disneyed In like, 2 minutes.
Person 1: We weren't even given time react for that one, at least Ellie got a little more screen time.
by Oliver Winston Finn March 25, 2018
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