An old vice cop that used to chase bad guys and now chases down food joints.
The Hungry Detective enjoyed a fabulous meal at Halls in Charleston, SC.
by B Crouch April 14, 2021
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When you have to piece together what's happened over the weekend because you were too drunk to remember.
Me: How drunk was I last night?
Friend: So drunk you held up my cat and screamed "SIMBAAAAA"
Me: Man I am sick of playing Monday detective.
by specialkk47 December 5, 2011
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1. What you call someone who just stated the obvious
2. Someone who is one of the dumbest people you know.
Hey, Detective Dumbfuck, come here.
by Professor Pseudonym March 15, 2011
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Hey there; do you and your friends want to come back to my van and do some detective work?
by Jean Genet Ramsey September 7, 2008
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One who investigates another person's donkey (ass). Normally done by males to other males, but can also be done to females.
Look at Ben, he's a total Donkey Detective.

Stop inspecting my ass, you Donkey Detective!
by Mobius92 April 7, 2006
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A sex act where the female cosplays as a Pikachu, then as you are about to climax, she reveals she is actually your father.
"hey baby you wanna Detective Pikachu tonight?"
by Cecesqrf May 11, 2019
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pimp ass detective in the shape of a ballsack
detective scrote was on family guy making fun of the show the shield
by boner joe July 21, 2006
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